Bain Dermatology, P.a.

  • 1740691674 NPI Number
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  • Actived: 10 years ago
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Bain Dermatology, P.a. is a health care provider based in Raleigh, NC. The NPI Number is 1740691674 and it has been active since 10 years ago. The specialty is MOHS-Micrographic Surgery, providing comprehensive mental health services to individuals, families, and communities. If you are looking for MOHS-Micrographic Surgery services, Bain Dermatology, P.a. is an excellent option. We are here to help you get the care you need.

Recently Active NPIs

Overview of Bain Dermatology, P.a.

  • NPI number: 1558967950
  • Provider type: Organization
  • Active since: 05/14/2014
  • Last updated: 09/19/2014

Primary Scrop of Practice

  • Taxonomy Code: 207ND0101X
  • Specialty: MOHS-Micrographic Surgery
  • License Number: 2013-02484
  • License State: NC

Provider Mailing Address

  • Address: 7200 Creedmoor Rd
    Suite 104
    Raleigh, NC 27613
  • Phone: 919-518-0999
  • Fax: 919-518-0939

Provider Practice Location

  • Address: 7200 Creedmoor Rd
    Suite 104
    Raleigh, NC 27613
  • Phone: 919-518-0999
  • Fax: 919-518-0939

Authorized Official

  • Name: DR. Earl Eugene Bain III M.D.
  • Position/Title: Owner/physician
  • Telephone Number: 919-518-0999

Scope of Practice

  • Taxonomy Code: 207ND0101X
  • Specialty: MOHS-Micrographic Surgery
  • License Number: 2013-02484
  • License State: NC
  • Switch: Yes

Question & Answers

  • Q: What is the npi number?
  • A: An NPI is a 10-digit numeric identifier. It does not carry information about you, such as the State where you practice, your provider type, or your specialization. Your NPI will not change, even if your name, address, taxonomy, or other information changes.
  • Q: What are health care provider taxonomy codes?
  • A: The Health Care Provider (HCP) Taxonomy Codes Codes define a health care service provider type, classification, and area of specialization.
  • Q: What is the npi number for Bain Dermatology, P.a.?
  • A: The npi number for Bain Dermatology, P.a. is 1740691674.
  • Q: What are Bain Dermatology, P.a.'s specialties?
  • A: Bain Dermatology, P.a.'s specialties are MOHS-Micrographic Surgery and different specialities.
  • Q: Where is Bain Dermatology, P.a. business practice location?
  • A: Bain Dermatology, P.a. business practice location is 7200 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27613.
  • Q: How to contact Bain Dermatology, P.a.?
  • A: You can contact Bain Dermatology, P.a. via 919-518-0999.
  • Q: What is the authorized official for Bain Dermatology, P.a.?
  • A: The authorized office name is DR. Earl Eugene Bain III M.D. with position/title is Owner/physician and you can reach the authorized official via phone number 9195180999.