Alice Kolodji NP

  • NPI 1669598827
According to our database, the NPI number for Alice Kolodji NP is 1669598827 and activated since 17 years ago. Alice Kolodji NP is an individual provider who specializes in Nurse Practitioner, and the primary practice location is 4647 Zion Ave, San Diego, CA 92120. You can also contact Alice Kolodji NP via telephone number is (619) 528-5000. Provider NPI information was last updated on 09/23/2008.

Recently Active NPIs

Overview of Alice Kolodji NP

  • NPI number: 1598434045
  • Provider type: Individual
  • Gender: Female
  • Active since: 03/21/2007
  • Last updated: 09/23/2008

Primary Scrop of Practice

  • Taxonomy Code: 363L00000X
  • Specialty: Nurse Practitioner
  • License Number: NP10028
  • License State: CA

Provider Mailing Address

  • Address: 4647 Zion Ave
    San Diego, CA 92120
  • Phone: 619-528-5000
  • Fax:

Provider Practice Location

  • Address: 4647 Zion Ave
    San Diego, CA 92120
  • Phone: 619-528-5000
  • Fax:

Scope of Practice

  • Taxonomy Code: 363L00000X
  • Specialty: Nurse Practitioner
  • License Number: NP10028
  • License State: CA
  • Switch: Yes

Question & Answers

  • Q: What is the npi number?
  • A: An NPI is a 10-digit numeric identifier. It does not carry information about you, such as the State where you practice, your provider type, or your specialization. Your NPI will not change, even if your name, address, taxonomy, or other information changes.
  • Q: What are health care provider taxonomy codes?
  • A: The Health Care Provider (HCP) Taxonomy Codes Codes define a health care service provider type, classification, and area of specialization.
  • Q: What is the npi number for Alice Kolodji NP?
  • A: The npi number for Alice Kolodji NP is 1669598827.
  • Q: What are Alice Kolodji NP's specialties?
  • A: Alice Kolodji NP's specialties are Nurse Practitioner and different specialities.
  • Q: What is the medical license for Alice Kolodji NP?
  • A: The medical license number for Alice Kolodji NP is NP10028 and issued in CA in USA.
  • Q: Where is Alice Kolodji NP practice location?
  • A: Alice Kolodji NP is practicing at 4647 Zion Ave, San Diego, CA 92120.
  • Q: How to contact Alice Kolodji NP?
  • A: You can contact Alice Kolodji NP via 619-528-5000.